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Hiring an Ohio Defamation Attorney to Protect Your Reputation

By July 7, 2023July 26th, 2023No Comments

The speed of technology and online communication power has transformed the spread of information. While this has opened doors for enhanced connectivity and engagement, it has also given rise to new challenges, such as online defamation. With at least seventy-one percent of Americans using social media, the risks of online defamation increase as the number of users increases.11 As a Cleveland, Ohio law firm specializing in defamation cases, we understand the significance of preserving one’s reputation in the face of false or damaging statements. Businesses and individuals alike should understand what constitutes online defamation, its impact, its legal considerations and the role of an Ohio defamation attorney or online defamation lawyer in safeguarding your reputation.  

If you have been a victim of online defamation and are seeking guidance to protect your reputation and pursue legal remedies, contact the skilled online defamation attorneys at Gertsburg Licata.  

Understanding Online Defamation 

Online defamation, commonly known as internet libel, occurs when individuals or businesses disseminate false statements or damaging content through various online platforms, thereby inflicting harm on the reputation of the target. It can take on many forums such as defamatory posts on social media, negative reviews, fabricated accusations, or derogatory comments. It can be accomplished verbally or in writing.  

Over centuries, defamation law has undergone a continuous evolution, as courts grapple with the delicate balance between an individual’s freedom of expression and the protection of one’s reputation. The advent of the internet ushered in an era of unparalleled free speech, providing a platform for individuals to tarnish another’s character through posts or comments. While traditional defamation cases primarily revolved around newspaper articles, magazines, letters to the editor, television and radio broadcasts, the landscape has expanded exponentially in the digital age. 

Online defamation now permeates a multitude of platforms, encompassing social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, community-based platforms such as NextDoor, professional networks like LinkedIn, interactive forums like Reddit, online review sites such as Yelp, as well as the ever-present blogosphere. 

While defamation constitutes a civil wrong, known as a “tort,” harassment and cyberbullying are criminal acts that can lead to incarceration. Often, there is a fine line between defamation and criminal behavior. Because the boundaries of communication and digital technology are constantly expanding, individuals must exercise caution and responsibility in their online expressions. Understanding the legal ramifications associated with defamation, harassment, and cyberbullying serves as a crucial step in upholding the principles of justice and promoting a harmonious digital environment. 

The Impact of Online Defamation 

The consequences of online defamation can be far-reaching, extending beyond personal or professional reputation damage. Individuals may experience emotional distress, loss of job opportunities, damage to personal relationships, or a decline in business prospects. Because of this, courts may award several types of damage relief to compensate the defamation victim. 

Special damages refer to financial compensation for the specific harm caused by defamatory statements, which may include damage to a person’s professional reputation. This was recently illustrated in a case made famous by actor Johnny Depp. While it can be difficult to assign value to reputation, he was able to make a claim that due to false abuse allegations made by his ex-wife, he lost roles and endorsement deals. Special damages can be awarded for the lost income and business opportunities 

General damages serve to compensate plaintiffs for intangible losses, such as “pain and suffering,” in defamation cases. These are not always available. Their availability changes state by state, making it important to contact an Ohio defamation attorney to determine which damages may be awarded.  

Punitive damages may also be awarded, if available. The role of punitive damages is to punish the defendant rather than compensate the plaintiff.  

In addition, one can also request compensation for other out-of-pocket expenses directly related to the defamation incident. These may include therapy costs, expenses for removing defamatory online content, and even relocation expenses. Seeking the counsel of an Ohio defamation attorney at your earliest convenience allows you to understand how to proceed with these out-of-pocket costs. 

Don’t let online defamation damage your personal or professional life. Act today by contacting the dedicated online defamation attorneys at Gertsburg Licata. We are committed to defending your rights, preserving your reputation and securing the best possible outcome for you.  

This article is for informational purposes only. It is merely intended to provide a very general overview of “time is of the essence” and real estate law. Nothing in this article is intended to create an attorney-client relationship or provide legal advice. You should not rely on anything in this article without first consulting with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.  


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