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Cyber Security Law

How Can a Law Firm Help Protect Businesses Against Cyberattacks?

By March 20, 2023No Comments

As more and more data is stored digitally every day, more opportunities for cyberattacks are emerging. These attacks can involve stolen sensitive data, network breaches, and hacked devices, all of which can cause serious damage to commercial interests and lead to financial devastation. In fact, financial losses due to cyberattacks is expected to jump to $10.5 trillion by 2025.

Cyberattacks are a major concern for businesses of all sizes, but small businesses are especially attractive targets to cyber criminals. According to a recent Small Business Administration (SBA) survey, a whopping 88% of small business owners feel their business is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This is because smaller businesses lack the infrastructure larger businesses have for protecting themselves, and often do not have the revenue needed to afford professional IT solutions, do not have the man hours to devote time to cyber security, or have no idea where to even start.

Speak to a cyber security lawyer at Gertsburg Licata

The ramifications of cyberattacks reach far wider than disruptions to internal operations. These attacks can lead to loss of revenue, reputational damage, loss of customers, and financial losses due to the cost of combating attacks or the need to pay compensation to customers.

To protect against these threats, companies must have a comprehensive cybersecurity plan in place. One key aspect of this plan is working with a cyber security lawyer that specializes in cybersecurity and data protection.

Factors to Consider When Hiring a Cybersecurity Law Firm

The most important factor to take into consideration when searching for a law firm to protect and defend your business against cybersecurity threats is experience and expertise. Does the firm have a proven track record of handling complex cybersecurity cases? Do they have a deep understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworks surrounding data protection?

The firm should have a team of lawyers with a thorough understanding of and a strong background in every technical aspect of cybersecurity law.

Common Services of a Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Firm

The role of a lawyer in cybersecurity and data privacy is to help clients establish and implement globally compliant data-management programs to protect all of their sensitive business data and valuable digital assets, thereby reducing the risk of data loss.

A cybersecurity attorney will provide a number of services to protect your business, including:

  • Conduct Vulnerability Assessments
    One of the very first steps data security law firms take is to conduct a vulnerability assessment. Your attorney will evaluate the current cybersecurity measures your business has in place, identify any potential weaknesses, and make recommendations for improving your protections against cyberattacks. They will take an in-depth look at your network security, the strength of your passwords, and the level of awareness your employees have about cybersecurity. This information is then used to develop a customized plan that will help your business improve its cybersecurity and reduce its risk of attack.
  • Provide Legal Advice on Cybersecurity Regulations
    A data privacy lawyer has the required experience and knowledge to provide important legal advice in regard to cybersecurity regulations. Federal and state governments have many laws in place that a business must comply with, regardless of the size of their organization. Your attorney will help your business navigate all state and federal regulations to ensure you are in compliance, helping to reduce the risk of fines and legal action in the event a data breach occurs.
  • Draft Cybersecurity Policies and Procedures
    Your attorney will provide assistance in drafting cybersecurity policies and procedures for your business. These policies should outline the steps your business will take to protect against cyberattacks, including steps for responding to a breach. The procedures should also address issues such as data backup, encryption, and the management of confidential information. By having these policies and procedures in place, your business will demonstrate its commitment to cybersecurity and reduce its risk of attack.
  • Respond to a Cyberattack
    In the event your business falls victim to a cyberattack, your attorney is the first line of action for responding quickly and effectively. He or she will assist with the investigation of the breach, give legal advice on the best course of action, and work with local or federal law enforcement to bring the attackers to justice. The attorney will help you communicate with your stakeholders and customers to minimize the damage the attack may cause to your reputation. By having a cybersecurity law firm when attacks occur, your business can reduce the impact and recover quicker.

Speak to a cyber security and data privacy lawyer at Gertsburg Licata

How Gertsburg Licata Can Help Protect Your Digital Assets

At Gertsburg Licata, our cyber security and data privacy services are specifically tailored to assist you establish and execute data management programs that are globally compliant, safeguarding your sensitive business data and valuable digital assets. Our goal is to provide our valued clients with comprehensive security and response measures that reduce the likelihood of cyber attacks, preventing the risk of data loss.

Our team of legal experts will help you navigate a wide range of complex cyber security and privacy laws that include:

  • Data Protection
  • Information Security
  • Records Retention
  • Employment and Labor Laws
  • Consumer Protection
  • Internet Laws
  • Insurance Laws
  • Intellectual Property Matters

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Services and Capabilities

The legal team at Gertsburg Licata offers extensive security services to help protect your organization from cyberattacks and will help you with the proper steps to take should a breach occur. Our team of experts will:

  • Analyze all legal requirements for state, federal, and international breach laws
  • Implement privacy and data security risk-mitigation protocols
  • Defend and settle data privacy and cyber security disputes
  • Provide assistance with significant information security incidents and breaches, including, but not limited to:
  • legal support during incident assessment
  • coordinating with law enforcement agencies and regulators
  • respond and consult on remediation and damage control in the event a security breach occurs

Don’t allow your business to fall prey to online threats like cyberattacks that cannot only destroy your business reputation but can cripple you financially as well. At Gertsburg Licata, we understand that your company is an investment of your time, talent, passion, and money, and we work with you to identify and execute proactive cybersecurity policies and procedures so you can achieve your goals and keep your organization safe from cyberattacks.

Call 216-573-6000 or use our inquiry form to meet with an attorney.

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