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Real Estate

How Real Estate Attorneys Help You Through Complicated Legal Problems

By November 28, 2022December 12th, 2022No Comments

Whether purchasing or selling property, emotions can get in the way of making the right decision. Is this the right home for you? Are you getting the best property for your money? These are some of the questions you may be faced with as you try to make sense of the real estate sale or purchase process. Your real estate agent will help you find the right property, they won’t help you navigate the details and intricacies involved in buying and selling real estate. To ensure the process is handled by an experienced professional, you should hire a real estate attorney.

Gertsburg Licata’s real estate lawyers guides buyers, purchasers, lessors, and lessees through the purchase, sale, and lease negotiation. We counsel on real estate matters and are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of Ohio real estate laws and anticipate the problems and risks in purchasing or selling property.

Have a real estate question? Ask a Gertsberg Licata real estate attorney

1. Complicated real estate transactions

As a buyer, it’s important that you are aware of any concessions or contract contingencies. If the property you are considering for purchase is a short sale or leaseback, there are other factors that can impact the completion of the transaction. Our experienced real estate attorney team in Ohio help clients understand real estate contract terms and keep clients abreast of any issues or risks that could hinder the process.

2. Legal issues with the property

Other factors can dramatically impact the sale of a property, like property easement requirements, unknown property liens, issues with the property title, or zoning restrictions. Any one of these can profoundly affect your real estate investment. If you need a qualified real estate lawyer in Columbus or the surrounding Ohio area, we can help you understand these issues to determine the best option for your purchase or sale.

3. Keep negotiations on the right track

If the property deal seems to be stalling or faltering, a real estate attorney can help you get the process back on track and save the proceedings from failing altogether.

4. Legal ramifications

Sometimes throughout the purchase or selling process, a real estate sale begins to move in the wrong direction and ends on a bad note. You need a trusted real estate attorney who can look at your situation and assess the options to determine if legal action is needed to enforce your rights.

Gertsburg Licata’s legal team understands and appreciates that a home purchase will be the largest financial transaction of most people’s lives, and for a business owner, one of their largest assets. Our goal is to address all the documentation, negotiation, and contractual issues so that investments are maximized and liability is minimized. Call 216-573-6000 or use our inquiry form to schedule a call today

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