
Alternative Dispute Resolution for Businesses

Let us guide you through the ADR process

Many businesses utilize alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as a cost-effective method of resolving legal disputes. Constantly increasing litigation expenses lead companies to seek other viable resources for settling conflicts. Though this resolution method is meant to be less adversarial than litigation, it still requires representation from a trusted Cleveland business attorney who ensures your company’s interests are adequately asserted. With an experienced team of talented lawyers, Gertsburg Licata provides your business with the representation it needs for success.

Reliable counsel for alternative dispute resolution planning

We assist with the implementation and management of your company’s ADR policy. Without proper preparation, your goals can easily become frustrated by miscommunications and enforceability issues. We work with you to proactively address a variety of concerns, such as:

  • Devising an internal ADR plan for employee disputes
  • Assisting with implementation of ADR policies and procedures
  • Negotiating, drafting, and enforcing ADR contract clauses
  • Identifying appropriate arbitrators and mediators

Our knowledgeable Cleveland alternative dispute resolution attorneys can help your business establish ADR policies that further your organizational goals and effectively protect you from the high costs of litigation.

Navigating the alternative dispute resolution process

The alternative dispute resolution process differs from traditional litigation. When taking on ADR, many businesses struggle with unfamiliar procedural requirements and unpredictable outcomes. Assistance from skilled Cleveland alternative dispute lawyers alleviates some of the uncertainty that accompanies ADR. Our attorneys possess the knowledge and experience to effectively counsel you through the various processes of alternative resolutions. Our services also include:

  • Devising effective strategies to optimize the likelihood of successful resolution
  • Evaluating the facts and legalities of the opposition’s position to best cultivate counter arguments
  • Initiation of negotiations and opposing counsel interactions
  • Identifying opportunities for resolution before and during the resolution process

Effective ADR does not just happen without reliable legal counsel. Though these proceedings are meant to involve less contention, they still involve a high possibility of disagreement and risk. Our attorneys not only effectively negotiate but also understand the importance of aggressive representation when appropriate.

Let’s discuss your ADR needs

The attorneys of Gertsburg Licata provide our clients with years of valuable dispute resolution experience and business knowledge. Call our office today at (216) 573-6000 or complete our contact form to schedule a consultation.